After a very long countdown, yesterday I finally turned twenty one... The day was perfectly paced, the residents and my co workers celebrated with me throughout the entire work day, my office was covered in balloons and fresh flowers. The night was Devinne, all the people who love me the most showed up and showered me with drinks and love all night. Started the night off with Champagne and presents and then we proceeded to drink ,dance and laugh all the way over to the city where we had dinner and drinks at one of mine and Kris's favorite restaurants Osha. The ambiance was unforgettable and the drinks kept on coming. I felt like a queen all night, and went to bed feeling inebriated, but none the less grateful. The good news is that I didn't black out nor did I wake up with my head in the toilet bowl. The bad news is that no one checked my ID! I should of known that would of happened, the one night its legal for me to be drinking, and no one questions me. Oh well.... I'm pretty sure I'm going to have plenty of opportunity's to flash that bad boy...
There weren't many pictures, because we decided to take disposable cameras instead of my Nikon.
The Betsey Johnson anchor bracelet from Kris
My eyes couldn't believe it when I opened that little green box. The breathtaking necklace from my Dad. ( I am so proud of his taste, and admittedly a little surprised)
Not Pictured: A beautiful trench coat jacket from Calvin Klien from Kris, its a little big so were going to return it, but I am so lucky to have a boyfriend who enjoys buying his girlfriend clothes. (The men in my life have great taste)
Speaking of, This was my by far the favorite part of my night, of course the drinks, friends, food, limo, city and presents were fabulous... but when Kris suprised me with this, it most definitely stole the night. He'd probably say " Veronica, DO NOT post that on your blog" but it is just too good NOT to share. On the way home from dinner he pulls out this white piece of paper with typed writing on it. He announces to everyone that he has written something for me and would like to share it with everyone. He reads....
"Veronica my drug, you are a deadly infection in which I have grown some sort of an addiction to.. your toxins have infected my entire system and there is no known cure.... Now there is nothing anyone can do to save me except for you....your skin has brazed mine, your hair has crossed mine... your blood has touched mine... there is nothing I can do in the long run...............
We get no more than what we risk giving..... its your fault I have given the way I have....yet all I know is that her love for me equals mine for her.... it took just one moment to meet moment to kiss her....and one moment to make her mine...
Even when the Crown is gone....even when night is not long as I can smell Veronica next to me ... I will have everything I l0nged for and more."
Given, I cried like a little baby by the time he even made it to the third line. For Kris to write something like this, means something special, and it touched my heart more then he probably ever expected it to...
A night I will never ever forget. Thank you to everyone.....
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