Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The challenge update

Life has never had so many meanings to me until now. One minute I am cherishing every little thing and every little moment, and the next I am breaking down, questioning why God has made things so very hard on myself and the people that I love. I am constantly juggling living life up to its fullest and worrying about what can happen next. How can one live a blissful life when tragedy has put such a burden on thinking positive?
I might not know the answer yet, but I am close. I have found that the people I love make this happen. Spending a day at home with Kris, eating dinner with my parents, cooking with my Yia-Yia, listening to music with my brother. Everyday I learn to enjoy every moment for what it is, and easy as it sounds, this has become a challenge for me. Whats funny is a week or so ago I gave myself this challenge... and what I didn't know at the time was how hard it would actually be. I will continue to struggle with this, but at the same time I will continue to stay strong and have faith, learning new things as each new day arrives.

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