Sunday, March 21, 2010

New Series: The Art of Growing Up

This a new series, how long it will last I'm not sure. 
Most likely as long as it takes me to get through the book.

I am a avid book reader/ buyer, yet it takes me months, even years to actually read some.  I guess you could say I have my own little bookstore. So last night I was pulled to my bookshelf, in hopes that I would grab a book that would inspire me, and I got exactly what I was looking for. When I turned twenty one my Aunt Barbara, the book queen of all books (she even works for Barnes and Nobles) gave me a "coffee table book" as I would refer to it titled:

The Art of Growing Up
Simple Ways to Be Yourself At Last
By: Veronique Vienne with Photography by Jeanne Lipsey

(side note:  love the unique version of my name)
I only read the first chapter, because I want to take this all in as much as I can.  It is insightful and true and wise and it touched me so much I decided to make a blog series about it, chapter by chapter with my favorite quote(s). So here we go.


"In an elegant balance of form and content, this smart, clear, and amusing book inspires us to luxuriate in the lifelong process of growing up" - Annette Bening

Picture title: "How old would you be if you did'nt know your age?

Introduction favorite quote:

"Growing up has a lot to do with making things easier on yourself.  Like not dramatizing. Being what ever age you desire forever.  Throwing away musty cookbooks, choosing your battles. Apologizing rather than making excuses.  And figuring out what you do best- then doing it"

I stopped there.  Just the few pages have made an impact on me and my views towards aging and maturing everyday.  I'm excited to see whats next.


  1. I love the idea of that book! I feel like I haven't seen anything like it before. Let us know how it turns out!

  2. Wow, I love that quote of "How old would you be if you didn't know your age." That kinda spoke to me. I don't think I would think I was 22, that's for sure!

    I can't wait to hear more!

  3. i left you something over at my blog! :)
