My littler brother Alex graduates in June. Just typing that is unbelievable! He's four years younger then I am, and every year that passes by I just can not accept that my little brother is another year older. I want him young forever, yet with every year that passes we get closer. So I guess it's bitter sweet when it comes to the growing up thing.
So any who, My Auntie Nancy is putting together a video monolog of his life.
(She's crazy amazing at this, and somehow they ALWAYS end up being tear jerkers)
She asked me to email her some pictures of him, so I went ahead down memory lane
(aka my hard-drive) and rounded up all the pictures of my brother, the good ones at least.
I am a SAP. But aren't all woman? Give me a break.
I got teary eyed. Not because I don't want him to grow up (I really don't)
but because of how much I love him! I see him everyday, and sometimes I even get pissy with him for no reason. *shame on me I know I know..*.
Looking at these pictures makes me want to tell him I love him a little more, makes me want to take a little more pictures with him, and makes me want to appreciate him every. single. day. a little more.
How much do you love your brother or sister? And do you make a practice out of it to tell them how much they mean to your life?
Scrolling through these pictures is literally how fast it felt to watch him turn into such a handsome young man
and umm..... where the heck was I when this happened!
I love my brother. He's seriously my favorite person in the world and I'm just so happy whenever I'm around him. :) He's older than me by 14 months so we spent most of our childhood as enemies, fighting all the time. But we turned a corner during our high school years and now I consider him one of my best friends.
ReplyDeleteWere lucky arent we?!
ReplyDeletemy older sister just got married some days back.i was sad but not all teary eyed(male ego comes in between)!!yea but older sisters do all the work for there little my sisters used to do most of my those science diagrams homework and everything.assignments too!!don't know why but girls handwriting is way better then boy's.yup lucky indeed!!!